Mac Os Manual Install Qt4

Active1 month ago

I want to install Qt on my Mac and use the qmake through terminal to compile code. I downloaded the open source Qt Creator from Qt site, but I cannot set it up. Anyone with similar problems?
System: Mac OS X Sierra,Qt version: 5.7. I'm downloading the open source installer from . I'm installing it to Users/MyUserAccount and i want set it up so i can compile C++ code with qmake && make


Installing Qt for Mac OS X. How to install Qt on Mac OS X. Installing Qt for Windows. How to install Qt on Windows. Installing Qt for Windows CE. How to install Qt for Windows CE. Installing Qt for X11 Platforms. How to install Qt on platforms with X11. Installing Qt for the Symbian Platform. Using the right sources I can build Qt 4.8.7 on a Mac with OS X 10.10.5 and Xcode 7.1. But the build still fails on OS X 10.11.1 and Xcode 7.1. Even when I specify a different directory using '-prefix'. I decided for me that it is the best soultion to have a second installation running OS X 10.10 and use the Qt installer. Thank you for you. Here's a nut for you Mac OS X gurus to solve: How to do a MANUAL osx install, without booting from the cd, to another partition??? Look on your cd, you'll find several packages, of which BSD.pkg and Essentials.pkg seems to be the most important, but I can't find the 'base install' package (wich I can chose when I install from the cd).

3 Answers

Just to provide another solution using Homebrew.

As you've found QT4 isn't compatible with Mac OSX Sierra.

You can install QT5 using:

But you'll find you can't access qmake from the command line. To rectify this you'll need to run:

Mac Os Manual Install Qt4 2

elMarquiselMarquisMac os manual install qt4 downloadMac os manual install qt4 software
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If you want to run qmake from command line, add the directory where qmake is located to PATH environment variable. How to do it depends on the shell you are using, for bash it is done by adding export PATH=$PATH:<path_to_qmake> to either ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc.

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For Installing QT4:-

For Installing QT5:-

Mac Os Manual Install Qt4 Windows 7

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Mac os manual install qt4 download
Jerin K. JohnJerin K. John

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